Welcome to the online home of the American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama (ASGPP)!
The ASGPP is a vibrant community of diverse professionals dedicated to promoting creativity, spontaneity, and encounters to enhance relationships between individuals, families, and communities. We actively work to heal and transform society through the knowledge and practice of psychodrama, group psychotherapy, and sociometry in their many and varied applications. We foster national and international cooperation among all who are involved with the theory and practice of these methods, engaging the public, professionals, and policymakers through training, research, and maintaining a code of professional standards.
Founded in 1942 by Dr. Jacob Levy Moreno, MD (1889–1974), we are a nonprofit organization with 501(c)(3) dedicated to continuing Dr. Moreno’s legacy by advancing the fields he created. The ASGPP promotes a well-balanced combination of traditional and new practices, supporting the best practices informed by current research in neurobiology and psychology. Our field is rooted in decades of experience and integrated with exciting discoveries in psychology, human relations, and communication.
These methods are used internationally in diverse settings such as mental health in-patient and outpatient treatment, addiction rehab centers, retreat centers, corporate boardrooms, courts of law, communities, and classrooms and in organizations and areas that need conflict resolution.
This website will direct you to what we provide in the areas of learning opportunities, resources, and membership services.
Learning Opportunities: We have many opportunities to know more about the organization and our methods. Highlighted are the upcoming in-person and online events that promote understanding and practice of psychodrama, sociometry, and group psychotherapy. These include:
- The annual conference, which is an excellent opportunity to hear exciting keynote and plenary speakers, choose from over 90 workshops that demonstrate the depth and breadth of the method, and provides a wonderful opportunity to meet, share ideas, and have fun with others who share a passion for the power of psychodrama and experiential methods.
- A 2-day annual online symposium allowing participants an opportunity to acquire information and skills in the comfort of your own location without the need to travel.
- An annual one-day online Sociatry and Social Justice Forum whose goal is to use the social justice lens of sociatry and Dr. Moreno’s methods in the context of social justice.
- One-time online topic-specific workshops offered by skilled practitioners.
Resources: On the website, you will also find a variety of free written and video information about psychodrama, sociometry, and sociodrama. Additionally, you can learn about nationally accepted continuing education hours offered by the organization and access our Directory of Trainers. The ASGPP also provides information in written form through our three publications: the Journal, the Psychodrama Network News (PNN), and the monthly Tele’Gram.
Membership: If you are a member of the organization, thank you for supporting ASGPP and being part of our society! If you are visiting, we are excited to connect with you and serve as a source of information about ASGPP’s opportunities and initiatives. Through this website, you can join or renew your membership. There are many benefits of membership, including connections with others, finding other members and training who are located near you, and the opportunity to market your own programs and services. This portion of the website also provides information on the organizational structure and function of the ASGPP.
We hope you will find what you need here. For more information, please contact us at asgpp@asgpp.org. We hope to see you at one of our upcoming events.
Deborah S. Shaddy, MS, TEP
Mission Statement
The American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama is rooted in the philosophy of Dr. Moreno. The ASGPP promotes the development of creativity, spontaneity and encounter to enhance the relationship between individuals, families and communities, and works actively to heal and transform society through the knowledge and practice of psychodrama, group psychotherapy and sociometry in all its diverse applications.

The Purposes of the Society:
- To foster the national and international cooperation of all who are concerned with the theory and practice of psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy;
- To encourage and promote professional training in psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy;
- To promote the spread and fruitful application of theories and methods of psychodrama, sociometry, and group psychotherapy in professional disciplines concerned with the well-being of individuals, groups, families, and organizations;
- To disseminate information about psychodrama, sociometry, and group psychotherapy and their applications to the general public, other professionals, and public policy makers;
- To promote and publish research in psychodrama, sociometry, group psychotherapy, and related fields, and;
- To maintain a code of professional standards relevant to the purposes of the society.
To know more about The American Board of Examiners in Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy AND The American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama Click Here
To view the current ASGPP Bylaws (last revised December 2022), please click here.
View the list of officers and members of the Executive Council who plan and direct all of the activities of the ASGPP.
Executive Council
ASGPP Committees List 2024 – 2025
Leadership Committee
Chairs: President: Deborah Shaddy (debshaddy@gmail.com), Vice President: Erica Hollander (ericahollander@comcast.net), Secretary: Regina Sewell (regsewell@yahoo.com), Treasurer: Ed Schreiber (edwschreiber@earthlink.net)
(The following committees are listed in alphabetical order) -
Awards Committee
Chair: Colleen Baratka (lookingglasscounseling19@gmail.com)
Members: David Moran, Darlene Vanchura, Jennifer Salimbene -
Bylaws Committee
Chair: Erica Hollander (ericahollander@comcast.net)
Members: Rebecca Walters, Carol Feldman-Bass -
Conference Liaison Committee
Chairs: Pamela Goffman (pgoffman@aol.com),
Mark Wentworth, UK (mark@colourforlife.com), Karen Levin -
Conference Program Committee
Chairs: Pamela Goffman (pgoffman@aol.com), Rebecca Walters (hvpi@hvpi.net)
Members: will be named after the proposal selection process is completed -
Education Committee
Chair: Uneeda Brewer (ubcoach37@gmail.com)
Members: Daniela Simmons, Tanja Lee, Carol Feldman-Bass, Jaye Moyer, Colleen Baratka, Gulsen Büyükşahin, Carlos Raimundo -
Finance Committee
Chair: Edward Schreiber (edwschreiber@earthlink.net)
Members: Rhona Case, Uneeda Brewer, Daniela Simmons, Deborah Shaddy -
International Committee
Chairs: Carlos Raimundo (Australia) (dr.carlos@activelearningint.com), Cristina Schmidt (Austria)(cristina@transgenerational.eu)
Membership Committee
Chairs: Rhona Case (psychobabble3@yahoo.com), Aimee Johnson (ajohnsonlmhc@gmail.com)
Members: Betty Garrison, Deborah Shaddy -
Nominating Committee
Chair: Colleen Baratka (lookingglasscounseling19@gmail.com)
Members: Alexandr Usov, Anath Garber, Jenifer Salimbene, Darlene Vanchura -
Professional Standards Committee
Chair: Barbara Guest-Hargin (PSC@asgpp.org)
Members: Betty Garrison, Steve Kopp -
Publications Committee
Chair: Aimee Hadfield (aimee@heartenhouse.com)
Members: Scott Giacomucci, Thomas Treadwell, Ed Schreiber, Paul Lesnik, Tanja Lynne Lee -
Marketing Committee
Chairs: Karen Carnabucci (realtruekaren@gmail.com), Rebecca Walters (hvpi@hvpi.net)
Members: Courtney Meadows, Betty Garrison, Thomas Northrup, Tzivia Stein-Barret, Alexandr Usov, Paul Lesnik -
Research Committee
Chairs: Scott Giacomucci (scott@sgiacomucci.com), Rob Pramann (utahSSCCC@aol.com)
Members: Carlos Raimundo, Tom Treadwell, Cece Yocum, Orge Kantas, Annalisa Vicencio, Haydn Briggs -
Scholarship Committee
Chair: Rhona Case (psychobabble3@yahoo.com)
Sociatry & Social Justice Committee
Chair: Deborah Karner (deborah.karner@gmail.com)
Members: Aimee Johnson, Ed Schreiber,Michael Watson, Jennie Kristal, Sheila Katzman,Uneeda Brewer, Daisy Martinez DiCarlo ( Executive Council Liason ) -
Website Committee
Chair: Regina Sewell (regsewell@yahoo.com)
Members: Samuel Egber, Karen Carnabucci, Courtney Meadows
The ASGPP fondly remembers those who have made outstanding contributions to our Society, psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy. View List
Past ASGPP Presidents:
View the list of past presidents who have given so much to make the society great. View List
ASGPP Award Recipients
The ASGPP Awards were instituted in 1984 and are given on an annual basis. View a list of all ASGPP Award Recipients.
Past Conference Reflections
Link to Past Conferences YouTube site