Sociodrama is an action method in which individuals enact an agreed-upon social situation spontaneously. Basing itself on the premise of shared experience, a sociodrama group might seek to define a problem members would like to solve or find a situation in which they would like to gain greater understanding. The participants volunteer or are assigned roles by the director of the sociodrama. After every enactment there is a sharing in which group members discuss the enactment; the solutions or ideas it presented, and sometimes generate new materials for future sociodramatic clarifications. The sharing is a time to begin to process and integrate what has taken place moments before in action. Sociodrama, with its action/reflection components, speaks to both sides of the brain. It is a kinesthetic, intuitive, and cognitive educational technique. (Sternberg & Garcia, 2000).
Further readings in Sociodrama
- Kellerman, P. (2007). Sociodrama and collective trauma. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
- Minkin, R. (2013). Sociodrama for our time: Sociodrama Manual. Philadelphia, PA
- Sternberg, P., & Garcia, A. (2000). Sociodrama: Who’s in your shoes? Westport, CT: Praeger.
- Torrance, E.P., Murdock, & Fletcher, D. (1988). Sociodrama: Creative problem-solving in action. Buffalo: Bearly Limited.
- Wiener, R. (1997). Creative training: Sociodrama and team-building. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.