
ASGPP Benefit Workshop – Activating the Psychodramatic Autonomous Healing Center

Held on Zoom. All proceeds to benefit the ASGPP. “There is nothing more practical than a good theory!” said Kurt Lewin. Therefore, utilizing the modern research and intervention tools of psychology, and specifically applied motivation science, we will deep dive to Self-Determination Theory to learn how to activate Autonomous Healing Center in psychodrama.

SSJ Committee Event: Weaving Belonging: Multi-Textures of Durable Connection – A Listening Hour Exploration of Justice and Care

Facilitated by: Jennie Kristel and Leticia Nieto

Join us for an evening using the Listening Hour, a method created in 2020 by Jonathan Fox as a response to the Covid pandemic crises and a desire to support communities to stay connected. We invite you to come to share witness and be witnessed through story sharing. We invite you to bring stories of how your sense of self has been formed against a social context of privilege and marginalization. Through a 3 part-guided process we will explore as a community a weaving of how these stories empower and allow for belonging as a form of justice building. This is a Courageous Conversation hosted by the Sociatry and Social Justice Committee.
