Uneeda O. Brewer
Uneeda O. Brewer, MSW, CP/PAT
Uneeda Brewer first fell in love with psychodrama in the late 1980s after taking a workshop with the late Don Miller at Philadelphia’s Horsham Institute. Now she is a PAT on the path of becoming a TEP, after traveling many miles and many roles. She started as a social services caseworker in the 1970s in Child Protective Services in Baltimore, then a researcher at Atlanta University School of Social Work — her alma mater — and later entering the corporate world in human resources positions. In 1990, Uneeda was recruited into the human resources department at Johnson and Johnson in New Brunswick, NJ, where she progressed from HR generalist to a position in the company’s Global Talent Management Group, overseeing the development of a global executive development program and co-facilitating the program around the world. She has been highly active in the psychodrama community for the past 25-plus as a conference presenter, co-chair of the 75th annual ASGPP conference, and trainer for a variety of workshops both in New Jersey and Florida using psychodrama in non-clinical settings. Uneeda is a senior consultant with The Oxford Group Training and Consulting and is an executive and life coach based in Lakewood Ranch, FL.