Carlos A Raimundo, MD
Dr. Carlos is a catalyst for transformation and change. Through his insightful and effective tools, people discover their true selves, who they are meant to be, and he helps them to resolve, restore, and heal what they have become due to negative experiences, pain, trauma, and cultural influences. This process builds possibilities, resilience, and effectiveness. The result is a life of satisfaction and happiness for themselves and their relationships, which in turn affects those around them and humanity as a whole.
Dr. Carlos is the author of Relationship Capital (Prentice Hall, 2002) and the creator of the 3D stimulation technology Play of Life®, which has revolutionized individual and team behavioral transformation. He received the Innovation Award from the ASGPP in New York in 2002 and the David Keeper Award for writing and research. He also developed RCompass, a relationship mapping tool, and the Play of Life for leadership visualization and simulation. The captivating simplicity of his approach and methodologies facilitates change in people’s lives in an alive, sharp, and useful manner. His extensive work in leadership consulting, coaching, and psychotherapy gives him the advantage to help people faster, an important quality when we’re time-poor. His methods are transferable and immediately applicable, so those he helps can apply what they learn at work and in their personal life with a transformational and sustainable effect. His language is simple and to the point, making communication effective and learning new roles for life enjoyable. His research in neuroscience allows him to delve into emotional areas of the brain that are hard to explore by conventional and verbal methods. He believes, along with Chris Lowney, that ‘We are all leaders, and we’re leading all the time, well or poorly.’ Carlos meets those he helps where they are and accompanies them to become the best versions of themselves through a process of growth and transformation, helping them to learn how to celebrate life and learn from every experience they have. One of the key factors is that every person he accompanies builds their emotional and social intelligence, positively affecting those around them.
Dr. Carlos’ certification in several profiles, such as Human Synergistics, The Leadership Circle, Team Management Profile, Enneagram, and other personality and work-related tools, allows him to have a holistic view with the implementation of practical tools for change. Carlos and his methods are as much at home coaching the General Secretary of the OEA (Organization of American States) in strategic management as coaching Kiribati indigenous elders in the South Pacific. He has worked among senior executives of major organizations as well as with ground floor teams and family businesses. Before moving to the Kingscliff area, he worked with the Health Share senior leadership as well as with the management of several divisions throughout the organization. Dr. Carlos, a medical doctor and psychiatrist from Argentina with a master’s in business, founded Active Learning International. He has worked both nationally and internationally as a leadership consultant, trainer, and supervisor on leadership and therapy programs. His passion is helping people to discover and enjoy who they meant to be.